I spotted this in our local hospital. Did the author of this sign not know the meaning of the word pregnant and was attempting to convey that they weren't sure that it was the correct word? Boys and girls, that's what dictionaries are for.
In a similar vein, I found this textbook recently: "ABC's of Relationship SELLING through Service". I understand perfectly well that capitalization may take a freer form in book titles, but shouldn't the actual English usage be correct - especially for textbooks? Yuck. "Higher education" my foot. If you can't get the title right, how would you expect anyone to learn anything? I guess what really got me about this one when I first found it is that it's a Canadian edition. Double yuck, and shame on you, McGraw-Hill.
Which reminds me of the rewriting of history the Texas Board of Education is trying to - maybe successfully - jam down the throats of their own kids. As mentioned before, I lean a little to the right myself, but come on. If separation of church and state were any more black and white in the US Constitution's First Amendment, you'd be able to play checkers - I wouldn't suggest that these narrow-minded nitwits try to play chess - on it.
[update 11 April, 2010] I was re-reading the linked article above and found:
“I reject the notion by the left of a constitutional separation of church and state,” said David Bradley, a conservative from Beaumont who works in real estate. “I have $1,000 for the charity of your choice if you can find it in the Constitution."
Wow. I get to scratch this itch some more. Mr. Bradley appears to want to entirely reject the First Amendment. Why not trash all of them?... including the Second Amendment, though he may meet with some resistance from the NRA.